Home » Neko » ロシアンブルー | 猫が家長になれるのか?~ 2024辰年こてつの野望 [Russian Blue cat Kotetsu] Can a cat be the head of the family?

ロシアンブルー | 猫が家長になれるのか?~ 2024辰年こてつの野望 [Russian Blue cat Kotetsu] Can a cat be the head of the family?



0:00 番頭に擬態するこてつ
0:40 猫にお手っているか?
1:22 日頃の鍛錬が重要
2:07 鳴くまで待とう時鳥
3:06 心の中では既に天下人
4:03 ボクの撮影は許可する


【英語版サブチャンネル】Russian Blue cat Kotetsu





Kotetsu [Russian Blue] plans to become the King this year. For the past five years, he has been training while being subordinate to Dad. Kotetsu taught Mom how to hunt and is already the King in his heart. Time seems ripe…

#ロシアンブルー #russianblue #こてつ #辰年 #2024年

Russian Blue cat Kotetsu 2024 has begun. We are healed by Kotetsu again this year. Kotetsu makes a meaningful expression while mimicking Dad’s clothes. He is aiming for the throne again this year. “I’ll now teach you how to become a king.” “First, I will improve the way shaking hands.”

“I stand on the pedestal so that I can be equal to Dad.” “I shake Dad’s hand from above to show that I am superior to him.” “I don’t shake hands unnecessarily.” “Sometimes I wonder, do cats really need to shakehand?” “The next most important thing is daily training.” “Increase my concentration,

Be stronger than anyone else, and sometimes even more ferociously, train day after day, over and over again. “The most important thing to become a king.” “It’s the timing.” “I have become stronger and more confident.” “I’ll be 5 years old soon.” “The time is ripe.” “I feel like Ieyasu Tokugawa (an old Japanese shogun).”

“Today too, I look out over the world below from a high place.” “Dad who blames clubs for poor golf performance.” “Mom who aims to become trilingual even though her Japanese is bad.” “I am the only one who trains every day to improve myself.” “I already consider myself the king.”

“I also have a certain amount of dignity.” “As the leader of this family, I teach the humans how to hunt, but they move slowly and never make any progress.” “Dad, who suffers from back pain, looks like an Australopithecus.” “It is my role as a king to train my vassals,

So I must not give up.” “I want even vassals with low abilities to work to some extent.” “Because this channel relies on Mom’s drafts and Dad’s editing.” “I’ll give them permission to shoot me, so I want them to take a good video.” “Best wishes for a successful and rewarding year.”

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@user-ex6th4ft3g 2024-01-10 - 1:51 AM


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